Resume within e-Reach …

This may seem like a no- brainer, but often folks are caught off guard with no access to their current resume when they need it in a pinch. In the age of smartphones, the cloud, etc., this should never be an issue. However, since I’m constantly requesting resumes it’s amazing how many times folks just don’t have a solution so it’s still worth sharing some thoughts with you on the topic.

Also, see Resume Fitness Plan for additional thoughts on Resumes.

My suggestion is to have your resume available in electronic format in one or more of the following ways so you can either show it to somebody in real time and/or access it so you can immediately email it to whomever is asking for it. Like the old saying goes “you never get a second chance to make a good first impression”.

  • For best results, think centralization (e.g. via offsite file storage). If you currently do not have a account or utilize something like iCloud, etc. you should seriously consider it.
  • On a Flash Drive – perhaps on your key chain.
  • Attached to an email that you’ve sent to yourself so it’s in your personal “browser-based” email account (Hotmail /, Gmail, Ymail, etc.).
  • Any other electronic format that you can access at a moments notice.

Also, it never hurts to have physical copies in your car for those times when you are not electronically connected, but admittedly it is highly unlikely that anybody would even want to cart your resume around … but you never know! Just be sure it’s your latest version for good measure.

TAKE AWAY – Never put yourself in a situation where you miss out on a great opportunity or making a great first impression over sheer logistics and lack of a plan. Figure out some sort of solution now so you never have to look back and shake your head thinking ‘why didn’t I have access to my most recent resume on the spot’.